The PRECISE CaRE Hub aims to provide support and educate healthcare providers, patients, and the public about pharmacogenomic testing and conduct clinical research studies. The Hub aims to identify immediate and long-term strategies to better support healthcare providers and patients in utilizing pharmacogenomic-supported prescribing. It is located at the University of Manitoba College of Pharmacy within its Clinical Research Unit in collaboration with the PsycHealth Centre within the Health Sciences Centre and the Department of Psychiatry, Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba. One of the primary focuses of the Hub is to implement pharmacogenomics into clinical practice.
Director: Abdullah Al Maruf, B.Pharm., M.Pharm, PhD (University of Manitoba)
Research Pharmacist: Anju Sareen, BSc(Pharm), RPh (University of Manitoba)
Research Assistants: Nuzhat Tabassum, MSc Student (University of Manitoba) Md. Abdul Aziz, PhD Student (University of Manitoba) Grace Pilkey, PharmD Student (University of Manitoba) Haley Charbonneau, PharmD Student (University of Manitoba)
PGx-KPOP - Pharmacogenomics Knowledge and Perceptions among Pharmacists in Manitoba (Completed)
PGx-MaPCReN - Potential Impact of Implementing Pharmacogenetic Testing in Primary Care Practice Across Manitoba (Ongoing)
PGxHCP-MB - Pharmacogenomics Knowledge and Perceptions among Healthcare Providers in Manitoba (Ongoing)
PGx-SUPPORT - Pharmacogenomics-Supported Psychotropic Prescribing Trial in Manitoba (Ongoing)
Research Outputs: Maruf AA, Meagan H, Wondrasek A, Fryza A, Leong C, Kowalec K & Bousman CA. (2024). Knowledge of and Perceptions Toward Pharmacogenomics among Pharmacists in Manitoba, Canada. Pharmacogenomics. PubMed ID: 38506345.
Wondrasek A, Fryza A, Aziz MA, Leong C, Kowalec K, Maruf AA. (2024). Knowledge, Perceptions, and Attitudes toward Pharmacogenomics among Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students: A Systematic Review. Health Science Reports. 7(1): e1844. PubMed ID:10809028.
Maruf AA & Aziz MA. (2023). The Potential Roles of Pharmacists in the Clinical Implementation of Pharmacogenomics. Pharmacy (Basel). 11(6): 180. PubMed ID: 37987390.
Bousman CA, Maruf AA, Marques DF, Brown LC, Mueller DJ. (2023). Emergence, Implementation, and Future Growth of Pharmacogenomics in Psychiatry: A Narrative Review. Psychological Medicine, Sep 29;1-11. PubMed ID: 37772416.
Brown LC, Stanton JD, Bharthi k, Maruf AA, Müller DJ & Bousman CA. (2022). Pharmacogenomic Testing and Depressive Symptom Remission: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective, Controlled Clinical Trials. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 112(6):1303–1317. PubMed ID: 36111494.
Maruf AA & Bousman CA. (2022). Approaches and Hurdles of Implementing Pharmacogenetic Testing in Mental Health Care. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports. 1 (2), e26.